Monday, May 30, 2011

Corn Plant Update: April and May 2011

Last fall I trimmed one of my corn plants into three plants. Here's how they look now:

One of the baby's I cut last fall. I was afraid for awhile that this one was going to be lost but then it sprouted leaves just as I was about to throw it out.
The mother of the other two cuttings. There's actually three sprouts of leaves forming.
The mother plant - close up of the three leaf sprouts.

It's not a very good picture but here is the third cutting from the corn plant. This one actually fell off of the mother corn plant late last summer,  while in bloom.

These last two are pictures of brand new sprout off of an apparently dead piece of cutting I had placed in water and then the water evaporated. Apparently it sprouted, so I cut the dead part of the top off and planted it. We'll see how it does. . .

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Agapanthus Pictures

Here are some pictures of my Agapanthus, also known as Lily of Nile, African Blue Lily, or African Lily. Only one of my Agapanthus bloomed this year. I think some of the plants are not getting enough sun andI may not be watering them enough.